“Breathing for health happens in the here and now. To breather for health you must be right here, right now. You cannot be somewhere else, at some other time. When you recall the pain of the past or contemplate the unknowns of the future, you are in a sense breathing there and then, and “there-then” […]
Tag Archives: chiropractor
Is Stress Inevitable or a Choice? Stress Management Tips [space] The other day I saw a coffee cup that read: “Stress is Caused by Giving a F@%&”. That’s one take, but I’ve got a different one: Stress is the result of holding expectations that are out of alignment with reality. What happens when you expect […]
6 Tips for Avoiding Weight Gain During the Holidays [space] In the thick of the holiday season, with office parties, neighborhood get-togethers and family celebrations, food is often the star of the show. With tempting deserts on every tabletop and the hustle and bustle of the season, how is one to navigate all of this […]
Teeth Grinding – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment [space] Do you clench or grind your teeth at night? Many do. Left untreated, teeth grinding may lead to jaw disorders, headaches, damaged teeth and other issues. Otherwise known as bruxism, teeth grinding is often related to pain or instability in the musculoskeletal system. System imbalance can lead to a […]