Frequently Asked Questions about Chiropractic

What is Chiropractic? |
Chiropractic works by restoring your own inborn ability to be healthy. When under the proper control of your nervous system, all the cells, tissues and organs of your body are designed to resist disease and poor health. Chiropractic care is based on locating and removing interferences or excess irritations to your nervous system so you maintain a natural healthy state. We work from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head.Postural Distortions and Cranial-Sacral misalignments can irritate or impair the function of the nervous system and nerve impulses. With improved function and biomechanics, there is improved nervous system function. Through adjustments and other treatments, we help remove interferences that may be impairing normal health. Chiropractors can have a positive effect on many health conditions, although most common visits to chiropractors are for neck pain, lower and upper back pain, and headache relief.  |
Is the Chiropractor a Doctor? |
Yes, our title is Doctor of Chiropractic. |
What education do Chiropractors receive? |
Chiropractic school is similar to medical school. The first couple of years involves taking classes in anatomy, biochemistry, radiology, orthopedics, neurology, etc. The last years focus on the art of Chiropractic technique, while balancing clinical studies with preparation for the Chiropractic National Boards. After successfully passing all parts of the National Board, Chiropractors must pass their State Licensing Exam. It is only after successful completion of these exams that a Doctor of Chiropractic receives licensure in their state. In order to maintain licensure, Doctors of Chiropractic are required to take continuing education credits. |
Are there different kinds of Chiropractors? |
Yes, there are many specialties in chiropractic. |
Does a Chiropractor prescribe drugs or perform surgery? |
No, never. The goal is for the body to heal itself. |
What about vitamins/supplements? |
Since the goal of Chiropractic is to help the body heal itself, proper nutrition is essential for a successful outcome. Supplements are an important part in providing the body what it needs to properly function and heal itself.  |
Are X-Rays used to examine patients? |
Sometimes, but not always. |
What are adjustments? |
An adjustment is the manipulation of the musculoskeletal system… from the feet all the way up through the cranial-sacral system.  |
What is a subluxation? |
Subluxation is the term that chiropractors use to describe a joint that is jammed or distorted and is not in proper alignment.  |
What causes a subluxation? |
A subluxation can be caused by muscle tension, physical stress or trauma, emotional or psychological stress, any imbalance to the nervous system or your physiology (such as heart conditions and the associated chest and left arm pain). |
How do I know if I have a subluxation? |
By educating yourself about the way your system works and how your body reacts to stress. The reality is that we have subluxations every day as a reaction to stress. When we stretch or exercise, imbalances and subluxations usually correct themselves.  |
How is a subluxation corrected? |
By a chiropractic adjustment of the cranial-sacral system, a standard spinal adjustment, or some other therapy that reduces stress on the nervous system. Exercise, such as Yoga, is recommended because it teaches you to breathe, stretch and relax at the same time.  |
Can subluxations clear up on their own? |
Yes, of course they can, but the reality is that most of us live a very stressful and imbalanced life. Therefore, we often need help to put our system or spine back into correct alignment.  |
What do adjustments feel like? |
It all depends on the patient, the Chiropractor, and the technique they use. Usually an adjustment involves pressure and brief thrusts to various parts of the body to bring it back into alignment. Afterward, most patients report a sense of well-being, improved mobility and/or a feeling of calmness. The goal of the Chiropractor is to make the adjustments both comfortable and effective.  |
Are Chiropractic adjustments painful? |
Sometimes an adjustment can produce some momentary discomfort, but most patients report that even when they come in with severe pain, spinal adjustments are not painful. Most patients report that they can “feel” the pressure lifting from their spine after an adjustment and usually experience immediate relief from pain. Some patients even tell us that they feel a sense of total relaxation after getting an adjustment.  |
How permanent are the results? |
Nothing is permanent, especially when we live an unhealthy stressful lifestyles.  |
How does regular Chiropractic treatment help prevent illness? |
By reducing the deteriorating effects of a unhealthy life style. When you are healthier, your body has more “ammunition” to fight illness.  |
What conditions does Chiropractic care treat? |
- The flu
- Asthma
- Pregnancy and fertility
- Headaches
- Chronic Fatigue
- Carpal Tunnel
- Fibromyalgia
- Poor Posture
- Whiplash caused by a car accident
- Numbness and tingling
- Hip pain, sacroiliac problems, sciatica
- Scoliosis
- Tinnitus
- Migraines
- Neck pain
- Back pain
- Lower back pain
- Blood pressure
- Bowel problems
- Crib death/SIDS
- Breech babies
- Colic
- Ear infections
- Bed wetting
Yes, all of these conditions have and can be helped by Chiropractic care and nutrition. With this support, the body heals itself—we are not actually fixing or healing anything. The only system that we can fix or heal is our own.  |
What causes the sounds the bones make when receiving an adjustment? |
A theory in chiropractic is that when there is a dynamic thrust into a joint of the spine, a nitrogen gas bubble forms momentarily, allowing a sound or resonance to occur.  |
Does an adjustment have to make a noise to be effective? |
No, not at all. Some adjustments make noise, while many don’t.  |
Is it bad to adjust your own neck or back? |
Yes: If it is done forcefullyNo: If it happens as a result of stretching or a Yoga type of exercise.  |
Who should see a chiropractor? |
Anyone who has pain or chronic health problem, and wants a second opinion from an alternative health care provider.  |
I hear Chiropractic is a constant process. Do you ever stop care? |
Yes, we treat until the diagnosed condition is resolved.  |
Is regular chiropractic care necessary? |
Yes, if you wish to maintain optimal health in the stressful society we live in.  |
What if I go just once? |
Well, you would receive an examination and chiropractic evaluation.  |
At what age should chiropractic care begin? |
As soon as there is trauma or stress on the system, which can be at birth. |
How will an adjustment help me? |
An adjustment reduces stress and tension in the musculoskeletal system, as well as the nervous system. |
Should I go to a Chiropractor if I feel fine? |
The question you should ask yourself is: “Can I feel better?”  |
How long does a Chiropractic adjustment take? |
Usually 10 to 20 minutes . |
How often should I get adjusted? |
That all depends on what is wrong and how you respond to your adjustments. Each individual is unique in this regard.  |
Do Health Insurance Companies cover Chiropractic care? |
It all depends on your particular policy. Contact your insurance company for more information.  |
Are there Chiropractic Networks like PPOs, HMOs POSs? |
Yes there are networks.  |