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Category Archives: Medical Articles
Dental occlusion, body posture and temporomandibular disorders: where we are now and where we are heading for
Manfredini D, Castroflorio T, Perinetti G, Guarda-Nardini L. Oral Rehabilitation, 2012.
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TMJA Survey Results
The individuals affected by Temporomandibluar Joint Disorders (TMD) were on average 41 years of age and predominantly female (90%).
Nearly 60% of both men and women reported recent pain of moderate-to-severe intensity with a quarte…
This is the time of year when the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives develop the 2013 budgets for all federal agencies. One of those agencies is the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH is the nation’s medical research agency, suppo…
The use of glucosamine has been widely promoted to the lay public as a treatment for degenerative arthritis. However, most of the clinical studies that have been done have failed to show any significant effect. Now, a recently published study that comp…
New research by University of North Carolina Chapel Hill investigators shows that young women with temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) are four times more likely to be current or former smokers than women of any age who have no clinical signs of TM…
Do you have neck and shoulder pain in addition to pain in your temporomandibular joint? A recent study in the Clinical Journal of Pain (Vol. 28, 2012, pgs 55-64) offers a possible explanation for this condition.
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HELP Committee to Examine Ways to Tackle Epidemic of Chronic Pain, Builds on Landmark 2011 Institute of Medicine Study
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A clinical study on TMJ disorders is being conducted in the Dallas, Texas area. The purpose of the study is to evaluate whether early non-surgical treatment techniques such as biofeedback, stress management and self management coping skills training, r…
The University of Maryland Dental School has completed recruitment for a clinical trial to see if the drug duloxetine (Cymbalta) relieves pain of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Duloxetine is an antidepressant also approved by the United States Fo…
On Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011 from 8-8:30 pm Eastern time Dr. Paul Christo will host a radio show on TMJ Disorders. Marion Blackburn, a TMJ patient and TMJA volunteer, as well as Dr. Christian Stohler, Dean at the University of Maryland Dental School and …